
Prikazuju se postovi od studeni, 2017


      Auf dem Berg oberhalb von Rabac thront das altertümliche Labin, dessen alter Name Albona war und bereits im Jahre 285 erwähnt wird. Der Geburtsort von Matthias Flacius Illyricus, dem "Mitstreiter" von Martin Luther , ist heute ein Kultur - und Verwaltungszentrum. Kaum wo gibt es eine so charmante Mischung aus Architektur und kulturhistorischen Denkmälern, mit zahlreichen Ateliers und einem Hauch von Jugend, die sich hier, besonders abends, in zahlreichen Kaffeestuben trifft. Umweit von Labin liegt Dubrova mit seinem Skulpturenpark - eine forma viva im Freien mit über 70 Steinplastiken. Nach einem Spaziergang durch die Gassen der Altstadt besuchen Sie das Stadtmuseum mit seiner archäologischen und ethnographischen Sammlung sowie die Bergbau - Sammlung mit der getreuen Kopie eines Bergbaustollens, einmalig in seiner Art, in diesem Teil Europas. Besichtigen Sie die eindrucksvolle Sammlung des Matthias Flacius Illyricus, schauen Sie in die Ateliers. Von Fortica

Cycling Rabac - Labin

Labin region - a town on the eastern part of Istria. There are many wide trails, but also a narrow freeride singletrack that goes from the town of Labin down to Rabac (on the coast). Cycling is becoming more demanding as you approach the eastern coast of Istria, but it's worth the effort especially because there is a breath-taking view of the beautiful landscape. In this part of Istria all the trails are technically demanding and it’s required to have previous experience and physical preparation because of the demanding surface which includes a lot of ascents and descents with greater length of most of the trails. Its characteristics will certainly satisfy all the requirements of cyclists when they have trainings and preparation for the cycling events. There are several trails in the Labin area and one of those stretches from Gračišće- Nedešćina  to Rabac and from Rabac to Skitača. List of all bike trails in the region  

LABINSKE KRAFI, gastronomic symbol of Labin

  The gastronomic symbol of Labin is called labinski krafi – sort of ravioli served as a sweet dessert or savory.You can taste them in various tastes in all restaurants and at Krafifest held in Kršan in spring. How to Make Labinski Krafi (Krafi From Labin) Krafi used to be served only on special occasions, wedding ceremonies and holidays were unthinkable without them, but now they are made more often. Savory Krafi are traditionally served with butter and grated cheese or in a gravy sauce. As a dessert, krafi are fried or served in a sweet sauce. The recipe for these Labin krafi are made with a sweet cheese filling.         Labinski Krafi Recipe How to Make The Dough 300 g flour 1 egg water  How to Make The Filling 300 g fresh cow’s milk cheese 200 g dry grated cow’s milk cheese 2 spoons raisins drenched in brandy or rum lemon zest egg yolk sugar vanilla sugar bread crumbs (as needed) Knead the smooth dough and leave it to